Theologia Arcanea · Adversum Maleficarum · Diquisitiones Magicae · Directorium Inquisitorum
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Adversum Maleficarum - book of magic of true faith
Spells: Frost Protection / Cure Disease / Purge / Protection / Shield of Faith /Dispel Magic / Lightning / Exile / Spiritual Shield / Pillar of Salt

Episkopos Invociren wrote Adversum Maleficarum to summarize the principles of fighting obviously unclean powers of those who use their will to oppose the Creator and thus are unworthy to bathe in His Grace. The majority of the book deals with keeping to the righteous ways of our Lord and with resisting temptations, while some chapters also teach powerful exorcisms originating from the purity of heart and from the unshakable faith in our Lord in Heaven.
The book became an indispensable tool of the doctrine dealing with the protection of the holy faith of the Holy Mother Church soon after it was published. The Holy Council declared it to be written on the basis of divine inspiration and the work soon claimed the foremost position among the books dealing with the protection of the true faith.
Pope Urbianus II ordered its copies to be sent from the Empire of Lochland to each and every Archiepiscopal Cathedra of all the faithful churches with the instruction to spread the work further even to the most remote dioceses and parishes of the faithful world.
Frost Protection

- This spell adds a bonus to frost resistance.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
- The duration of this spell and the frost resistance increases with the mastery level of the caster.
Although fire is the main infernal element, the heretics know many spells based on the use of deadly frost. That is why the magic of true faith focuses on the protection against such effects as well. This spell uses the natural body temperature of the caster, increasing it several times and creating a shield which lowers the effects of frost.
Cure Disease

- This spell cures certain diseases the target suffers from.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
- The higher mastery level the caster is, the more the spell is effective and the more dangerous diseases it can cure.
Protection of a faithful against anything evil which can terminate his life prematurely is the basic aim and function of the magic of true faith. The Cure Disease spell is amongst such spells for if somebody’s body suffers from a disease the mind and the soul suffer as well because he cannot fulfill the duties of a true faithful. Formula of this spell turns to divine mercy and summons angelic powers of salvation which can purge the body of the malign seeds of the disease.

- This spell purges body and mind of the target of certain negative conditions.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
- The higher mastery level the caster is, the more dangerous conditions this spell can remove. The casting time is reduced as well.
If a faithful is not paying attention his body and mind can be affected by a number of infernal and negative influences. It is then not at all easy to get rid of these especially if they are curses, dark spells or maledictions. To purge one of such a bad condition a magical formula was created which summons the powers of divine mercy that purify body and mind of the suffering one.

- This spell decreases physical damage taken.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
- Damage resistance increases with the mastery level of the caster.
A faithful is frequently exposed to the danger of losing his life or being wounded these days. Mortally dangerous traps which smell of the devil and sulfur await everywhere. The thinkers realized this and created a magical formula which summons protective powers of God Almighty and braids them into a protective net which merges with the physical body of the faithful making him more resistant to wounds.
Shield of Faith

- This spell increases the magical resistance of the target.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
- Duration of this spell and magical resistance increase with the mastery level of the caster.
Faith represents not only the spiritual but also the metaphysical protection in the widest meaning of the word. When the faith is strong enough, the person is protected not only from seduction of the devil but from astral attacks mainly done by evil spells as well. The Shield of Faith spell is based on this principle. Thanks to a well formed magical formula it concentrates metaphysical manifestations of faith, distills them to a physical matter, multiplies it and forms a kind of a spiritual shield which protects its bearer from magical attacks.
Dispel Magic

- This spell removes the effects of any spell previously cast on the target.
- Any being in the area of effect can be the target of this spell.
- The amount of mana needed to cast this spell decreases with the increasing mastery level of the caster.
No matter how careful a faithful is he can always become a target of evil spells cast by filthy heretics or hellspawns. In such a situation every kind of help is highly appreciated for many such spells can cause severe wounds, death or even worse things. Therefore the thinkers who were creating the magic of true faith searched for a formula that could remove spell effects from its target. Their effort was finally rewarded by success in the form of this spell that has one disadvantage though and that is it does not distinguish between good and evil spells.

- This spell causes serious lightning damage to the target.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
- The amount of mana needed to cast this spell decreases with the increasing mastery level of the caster.
The Holy Scripture is full of images where a sinner is punished for acting against the divine order. The idea that a sinner could be punished for his sin instantly on the spot has always been very attractive to the mystics dealing with the magic of true faith and they made a lot of effort to transfer the images of the Holy Scripture to a formula that kills anybody who speaks ill of God. The Lightning spell was thus created which materializes a ball of energy and directs it to a body of the target in the form of a lightning bolt.

- This spell exiles any undead or demonic being of a certain level from this world.
- Any undead or demonic being can be the target of this spell.
- The amount of mana needed to cast this spell decreases with the increasing mastery level of the caster.
In the infernal world many demons, fallen souls and unholy powers dwell which long to come back to our world to commit all kinds of atrocities and abominations. For this reason they are frequently summoned by heretics and devil worshippers which brings the Kingdom of God on Earth to chaos and disorder. It is the holy duty of every faithful to search for such hellspawns and send them promptly back to the burning hell. The exorcist Exile spell which breaks the protective shield of a hellspawn and exiles it from this world by a blow of spiritual power serves this purpose.
Spiritual Shield

- This spell turns the caster invisible to the undead and demonic creatures until he attacks them or casts a spell.
- Only the caster can be the target of this spell.
If a faithful’s life is jeopardized by an imminent attack of hellspawns or their disgusting human servants his only hope often is to pray for an intervention of heavens or the saints. Regardless of whether such an act actually brings some protection or not, the faithful thinkers worked with this idea and created this spell. It forms a spiritual shield around the caster which hides him from the sight of the demonic and undead foes.
Pillar of Salt

- This spell temporarily paralyzes the target.
- Any being can be the target of this spell.
There is a story in the Holy Scripture that tells a tale of prophet Kassmiel’s wife who turned into a pillar of salt because she disobeyed her husband’s bidding not to turn back to see what has happened to the cursed city of the sodomites. It was a manifestation of divine wrath which strikes all who disobeys God’s forbiddance. This chapter of the Holy Scripture had such an influence on thinkers who were creating the principles of the magic of true faith that they found a formula which does exactly the same thing that happened to Kassmiel’s wife—it turns the target into a pillar of salt. The only disadvantage of this spell is that its effects are only temporary.